Bipolar Affective Disorder info

        Childhood Bipolar         Cyclothymia         Books

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Bipolar Affective Disorder is a serious mental illness in which the sufferer will experience extreme mood swings, varying from very low (depression) to very high or periods of elation (mania).  There will be periods of 'normality' between the 2 extremes.  These periods of normal mood may be increasingly prolonged as the person's mood is stabilised with medication.  During these times, the person will lead a relatively normal life.

1 in 100 people will suffer with manic depression at some point in their lives.  It can start at any time, and affects both sexes equally.  Even children can be affected, when it can sometimes be easily confused with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).  See Childhood Bipolar links below


See Depression page for symptoms of depression.

In mania, a person may experience all or some of the following symptoms:

full of energy
feeling very important
talking very quickly
spending lots of money
uninhibited (inc. sexually)
full of ideas and plans
difficulty sleeping
very excited and happy
sometimes hear voices
delusions - fixed, false beliefs - usually grandiose - eg. they may believe they are a very important person
the person will often report that they are feeling very well - and don't believe anything is wrong


Treatment consists of mood stabilisers such as Lithium or Sodium Valporate.  The sufferer will need to have their blood levels monitored to ensure that their blood levels of the medication are maintained within the therapeutic range.   It can sometimes take a considerably long time for the medication to start having some effect, and also to find the right medication for each person.

In addition to the long-term use of mood stabilisers, antidepressants may be used during periods of depression, and major tranquillizers ('anti-psychotics') may be used during periods of mania.  It is sometimes necessary for the sufferer to come into hospital to be stabilised, and/or for their safety.

Studies show that Cognitive Behaviour Therapy can be very effective (with medication) - click here for self-help info and resources

See Keeping Well page for Self-Help Info


Cyclothymia (or cycolthymic disorder) is condition where sufferers have mood swings ranging from depression to hypomania - but never reach diagnostic criteria for bipolar, mania or severe depressive episode.  The swings in mood may be several days or weeks, but may also last only a few hours - with perhaps several mood swings a day.  See cyclothymia links below.


Childhood Bipolar

Not widely recognised until very recent years, but being increasingly so now.  Mood swings, irritability and rage are very intense, and there may be very rapid cycling - sometimes several times a day.  Childhood bipolar is often misdiagnosed as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).    See Childhood Bipolar links below


CBT & Online Self Help Programmes



The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide:   what you and your family need to know
Staying Sane
Serious Mental Illness - A Family Affair
Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families
Surviving Manic Depression
Bipolar Puzzle Solution: A Mental Health Client's Perspective: 187 Answers to Questions Asked by Support Group Members About Living With Manic Depression
An Unquiet Mind (Story of a psychologist with manic depression)
Living Without Depression and Manic Depression
A Brilliant Madness
Win the Battle
We heard the Angels of Madness
Surviving Post-Natal Depression
Being Happy!
Mind Over Mood  - Self-Help with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Clinician's Guide also available)
Breaking the Pattern of Depression
The Beast - A Journey Through Depression
Control Your Depression
Depression - Your Questions Answered
Essential Guide to Depression
Overcoming Depression
Coping with Anxiety and Depression
Learn to Relax
Manage Your Mind 
Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients & Families
Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide
Overcoming Mood Swings



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If you know of any other useful sites that should be listed here - contact me 

I do not endorse any of the above links - I have not checked the whole content of each site.  In most cases I have only visited their Home Page


31 May 2008



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