Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Adult ADD
ADD - Inattentive type
Diagnostic Criteria
Conduct Disorders
Homework Strategies

ADD (or ADHD) affects as many as 3-5% of children, and 2-4% of adults.    Attention Deficit Disorder can occur with or without hyperactivity.  If hyperactivity isn't present, it may also be called either Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder - Inattentive (ADHD-I), or simply Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).    See ADD Facts

Although ADD has an onset in childhood, it often continues into adulthood, and there are many adults who are only beginning to recognise their symptoms, but many more still who are undiagnosed.  Although the hyperactivity will diminish, attention problems often continue into adulthood.  See Adult ADD

ADD is a neuropsychiatric condition which is widely misunderstood by others.  The child is often labelled as naughty and disruptive, and the parents blamed.  Treatment options include the stimulant medications Ritalin or Dexedrine, although they have received much bad press, mostly through ignorance and misunderstanding.    In a recent article in the Guernsey Evening Press (18 November 2000), it is stated that about 50 local school children (Guernsey population 60,000) are prescribed Ritalin from the local ADD Clinic at Bell House.  Others are on alternative (eg fish oils) or no medication.    A 3 page article in the Guernsey Press on 8 December 2000 featured 5 local children with ADD who are presently treated with Ritalin, where they and their parents spoke about the difference that Ritalin has made to their lives.  With Ritalin, they are quoted as - being able to concentrate better, achieve higher grades at school, are less impulsive, less isolated, stable mood, control rage, feel calmer, less aggressive, more relaxed, more responsive, has friends.  For another, the Ritalin had negative effects, and for others, Ritalin can exacerbate any tics - and perhaps trigger the onset of Tourette Syndrome in a child who is (genetically) going to have Tourette Syndrome anyway.   See Treatment Links

Ritalin helps the ADD sufferer to focus.  In the same way that a short-sighted person needs spectacles to be able to focus clearly - Ritalin is the lens for ADD sufferers.

The term Attention Deficit implies that the person cannot concentrate - but it is truer to say they have inconsistent concentration.  There are occasions when they are able to 'hyperfocus' on subjects that interest them.

The majority of those diagnosed with ADD are boys.  Some research suggests that girls are more likely to be affected by the Inattentive subtype, and not display symptoms of hyperactivity.  As a result, they may be labelled as "dreamers" and very often go undiagnosed.  See Girls & Women Links   Girls with hyperactivity are likely to be described as a tomboy, or chatty & fidgety.

Children will experience problems at school, perhaps behavioural, but certainly underachievement.  See Education Links  However, the very intelligent child may be able to do sufficiently well in school work, not to raise concerns, particularly if there are no hyperactivity or behavioural problems.  They may do well in primary school, but begin to suffer more into secondary school, where the pressure increases and study becomes more self-directed, and requires more organisation.  These perhaps are the children who can still go undiagnosed.    ADD - Inattentive type

Symptoms may include the following (onset prior to age 7)

difficulty organising
appears not to listen
easily distracted
often loses things
often runs about or climbs at inappropriate times
difficulty playing quietly, talks excessively
difficulty waiting in turn
often interrupts or intrudes on others
often blurts out answers before question is asked
appears to be always on the go

See here for Diagnostic Criteria                        ADD - Inattentive                      Adult ADD

ADD often occurs with other neuropsychiatric disorders including Conduct Disorder,   Oppositional Defiant   DisorderAutistic Spectrum Disorders   and   Tourette Syndrome & other Tic Disorders

Young People's Mental Health


Links        Adults       Girls/Women        Treatment       Associated Conditions       Books      Sites TDA francais

Guernsey Information & Support Groups

Guernsey ADD Support Group      Tel:  (Guernsey)  244293 or  251148
Diagnostic Criteria
ADD - Inattentive type
Adult ADD
Conduct Disorders
Homework Strategies
Young People's Mental Health


Women with ADD

Driven to Distraction

Understanding ADHD
ADD Success Stories
The Explosive Child : A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, 'Chronically Inflexible' Children
The ADD and ADHD Diet
Why Johnny can't Concentrate
Answers to Distraction
Adult ADD
Out of the Fog Coping Strategies for Adult ADD
The Hyperactive Child, Adolescent & Adult


Adult ADD
ADD - Inattentive type
Diagnostic Criteria
Conduct Disorders

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17 May 2008


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