
Alcohol - Friend or Foe?

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People abuse substances, whether alcohol, drugs or whatever, for many different reasons.  Some may 'fall' into it after years of social drinking, or recreational drug use.  Some people seem to have a greater likelihood of becoming dependant, than others (through no fault of their own).

Some people use alcohol or drugs as a means of medicating themselves - perhaps to help them cope with anxiety or depression, low self-esteem, undiagnosed mental illness, painful physical condition etc.

Whatever the reason, the dependence will usually compound the problem, and cause more.

In addressing the problem of dependence, it is important to understand the reasons behind it, so that that problem can be addressed too.

Alastair Cooke's article 'Alcohol - Friend or Foe' goes into far greater depth.

Addictions may not involve other substances, but addictive behaviours such as gambling, or use of the internet.



Alcohol - Friend or Foe?
Alcoholics Anonymous - Guernsey
GADAC - Guernsey Alcohol and Drug Advisory Council 
CBT & Online Self Help Programmes


Drug Concern
GADAC - Guernsey Alcohol and Drug Advisory Council
Drug Strategy Online
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