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Guernsey Information & Support


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Post Natal Illness



Mindfulness & MBCT

Anger Self-Help

ADD/ADHD - addinfo.co.uk

Self-Esteem & Assertiveness

Books for Self-Help

Keeping Well

Colour & Well-Being

Music for Health

Drumming for Health


Talking Therapies


Mental Health Info & Links  -  mindinfo.co.uk

People who have mental health problems often feel marginalised and rejected by society, misunderstood, ridiculed and prejudiced against.  Their conditions are often the butt of jokes, and much stigma is attached to having such a problem.  However, the statistics tell us that anyone can have a mental health problem, and that 1 in 4 of us (1 in 5 children) will require treatment at some time.  These problems may be enduring, or they may simply be a temporary glitch in an otherwise successful life and career.  (Majority recover from mental illness)

In history, neurological disorders were considered to be the result of, for example, demon possession.  We now know this is not the case, but society's attitudes towards mental health problems have changed little.   It is increasingly being recognised by researchers however, that many mental health problems may have a neurological foundation - some are due to an imbalance of   neurotransmitters.

There remains a lot we do not know or understand, but I hope that this site goes a little way to putting that right.

I welcome contributions to this site - either by offering local information, or an account of a personal experience    -  please contact me

Carol Vivyan (Bihet) RMN RGN

I have received many e-mails asking who I am, so that researchers can credit the article with an author.   Although I have drawn on my experience both as a relative and professional for information in this site, I have also collated information from many sources.

2006/7.   Due to the nature of the internet, with websites constantly changing and new websites coming online daily, I have removed most of the links to other sites as it proved impossible to maintain.    I will keep  the local (Guernsey, Channel Islands) information and the CBT page up-to-date, and have kept other pages for the information they contain.   Please use a search engine such as  Google to access other information


Self-Help Books for Mental Health

Cliquez ici pour version française

In Association with Amazon.co.uk


31 July 2007


Now Play This       A Child's War       8 in a Bar






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