Tourette Scotland

formerly known as The Scottish Tourette Syndrome Support Group



Tourette Scotland

Real Change

50-52 Princes Street




Telephone:  01738 622008




Chairperson  -  Janice Mylan

Secretary – Sue Ross



The Support Group: 


Provides advice and support for sufferers and their families.

Brings together individuals suffering from TS and associated disorders in order to share information.

Produces newsletters, advice sheets and leaflets.

Raises awareness amongst public and professionals in Scotland.

Provides a telephone helpline for information and support.

Arranges informal meetings biannually with guest speakers.

Membership costs: £10-00 annually (£5-00 for concessions)




Is named after the doctor who first identified it in 1825.

Is an hereditary, genetic illness caused by chemicals not working properly in a small area of the brain.

Mainly affects boys. Thought to be at least 1 in 2000.

Is not contagious.

Does not mean you are stupid or disabled.

Sufferers are often misunderstood or rejected.

Has no known cure…………………………but research continues.


People who have TS can sometimes have no control over:


Making noises like grunting, coughing or barking.

Twitching their faces, eyes, nose or mouth.

Nodding or jerking their head, neck or limbs.

Having bad temper outbursts.

Saying things that sound wrong, rude or unpleasant.


Doctors have tried to explain how it must feel to have TS:


Do not allow yourself to scratch any part of your body for the next hour.

This is how impossible it is thought to be for TS sufferers to control or stop their noise or twitches.

Not easy, is it?



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Page 2 - Try to think how they must feel